Where a Council conducts what amounts to an institutionalised vendetta, or the State by their inaction allows such vendetta to continue unabated, the Human Rights of their victim are violated in many ways. Ultimately, it is the head of stage who is responsible, in theory save only for the 1689 Bill of Rights. In this case it would Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II until we have a King to take over. Where there may be no effective remedy in the United Kingdom, the European Courts might step in save for their 6 month rule. The United Nations would be the ultimate Court should it transpire that despite the theoretical right of audience with the Queen or future King under the Bill of Rights 1689, this turns out to be a damp squib.



The Queen was born in 1926, She will be 93 in 2019. We hope that she makes it to her 100th birthday in 2026 and beyond regardless of whether or not she is still capable of ruling the country, or being the head of state of the Commonwealth countries.





As you might expect, the Kings and Queens of England are above the law. Her Majesty cannot be prosecuted and does not have to give evidence in any court of law. Wow! Is it not time for a written constitution to level the playing field. In a democracy of any kind nobody should be above the law even if we do love them.







The Queen was born in 1926, she celebrated her 92nd birthday in 2018. She will be 93 in 2019. We are looking forward to many more years under our present monarch given that she is in good health and living in enlightened times. We could see some massive celebrations in 2026 when she attains the grand age of one hundred and becomes a centenarian. Who though would send her a congratulatory telegram? Most of us we suspect.



- - -
2016 90th Birthday
2017 91st Birthday
2018 92nd Birthday
2019 93rd Birthday
2020 94th Birthday
2021 95th Birthday
2022 96th Birthday
2023 97th Birthday
2024 98th Birthday
2025 99th Birthday
2026 100th Birthday



Queen Elizabeth II is the oldest monarch to have reigned in Britain, with second place going to Queen Victoria who lived to the age of 81. With modern medicine and a good diet, who knows what age our Queen might live to. The phrase "Long live the Queen" has new meaning where the average human age is increasing every year.





A centenarian is a person who lives to (or beyond) the age of 100 years. Because life expectancies worldwide are below 100 years, the term is invariably associated with longevity. In 2012, the United Nations estimated that there were 316,600 living centenarians worldwide.

As life expectancy is increasing across the world, and the world population has also increased rapidly, the number of centenarians is expected to increase quickly in the future. According to the UK ONS, one-third of babies born in 2013 in the UK are expected to live to 100.

A supercentenarian, sometimes hyphenated as super-centenarian, is a human who has lived to the age of 110 or more, something only achieved by about one in 1,000 centenarians.

Even rarer is a person who has lived to age 115 – there are only 46 people in recorded history who have indisputably reached this age, of whom only Kane Tanaka, Maria Giuseppa Robucci and Shimoe Akiyama are living as of 2018.

In the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms, the British (and Commonwealth) monarch sends greetings (formerly as a telegram) on the 100th birthday and on every birthday beginning with the 105th. The tradition of Royal congratulations dates from 1908, when the Secretary for King Edward VII sent a congratulatory letter to Reverend Thomas Lord of Horncastle in a newspaper clipping, declaring, "I am commanded by the King to congratulate you on the attainment of your hundredth year, after a most useful life."


The practice was formalised from 1917, under the reign of King George V, who also sent congratulations on the attainment of a 60th Wedding anniversary. Queen Elizabeth II sends a greeting card style with the notation: "I am so pleased to know that you are celebrating your one-hundredth birthday, I send my congratulations and best wishes to you on such a special occasion", thereafter each few years the card is updated with a current picture of the Queen to ensure people do not receive the same card more than once. The Queen further sends her congratulations on one's 105th birthday and every year thereafter as well as on special wedding anniversaries; people must apply for greetings three weeks before the event, on the official British Monarch's website.







Could we all be living to the age of 100 with the right food and lifestyle? Around the world there are communities where people live for up to 120 years. In this article the Mail reveals their five longevity 'hot spots', their health secrets - and what you can learn from them, much of which concerns anti oxidants from eating the right diet of cereals and vegetables:



The Okinawa Archipelago, a group of 161 coral islands in the East China Sea, is home to the Earth's longest-living people. They have the lowest levels of heart disease and strokes in the world.

Diet: The traditional Okinawan diet is based on sweet potatoes, leafy greens and whole grains, and is supplemented with fish, rice, pork and soya products, all foods rich in anti-cancer and anti-ageing antioxidants which fight the free radical cells that cause cancer.

Freshly caught fish: eaten two or three times a week, is a good source of omega 3 essential fatty acids. Soya: eaten by Okinawans regularly, protects against cancers and lowers levels of 'bad' cholesterol. Whole grains and noodles: constitute a third of the diet. Noodles made from buckwheat contain anti-cancer vitamin B17.

Meat: they love pork but eat meat with the fat trimmed off and usually boiled. Salt: used sparingly so they do not suffer from illnesses associated with high salt intake such as high blood pressure. Green tea: drunk three times a day scented with jasmine flowers, it has more antioxidants than any other food or drink, as well as catechins, thought to stop cancer cells reproducing.

Lifestyle: Most Okinawan islanders are fishermen or farmers and work outdoors even into their 80s, taking regular aerobic exercise, including martial arts and traditional dance, as well as gardening and walking. They also meditate regularly, which, studies suggest, can slow the ageing process.


On the Greek island of Symi, situated off the Turkish coast about an hour by sea from Rhodes, inhabitants regularly live to their 90s.

Diet Symiots enjoy olive oil, fish, tomato sauces, vegetables, salads and little meat. Raw or lightly cooked vegetables form the bulk of the meals and there are plenty of the right types of fat, low amounts of saturated fat and an absence of refined or processed foods.

Extra virgin olive oil: consumed with everything, it raises levels of 'good' cholesterol and aids digestion. Fruit and vegetables: artichokes, green beans, stuffed vine leaves, potatoes and Greek salads are a key part of the diet.

Tomatoes: researchers believe the tomato is a source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red colour.

Garlic: eaten with everything and contains at least 12 different antioxidants, including selenium and zinc.

Capers: used in salads and in rabbit and fish dishes. They are thought to ease stomach ailments and other conditions. Homemade wholemeal bread: Made with wholemeal wheat and sesame seeds which contain fibre, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc and vitamin E.

Organic feta cheese and yoghurt: feta is made from ewe's or goat's milk, which is easier on digestion. Wine: drunk with most meals and credited for the low rates of heart attacks.

Lifestyle: Islanders enjoy low stress and happy families, and some experts believe that Mediterranean men's ability to express their feelings may lower stress and help to make the heart healthy.


Vegans stand a good chance of living to a ripe old age, except that honey has long been known for its healing qualities.




THE HEAD OF STATE - The head of State is also a Mason supporter according to the inside leaf of many yearbooks. It was a shock to learn of this, but the revelation may go some way to explaining why it is that some people get targeted by their local authorities such as Councils and the Police and those local authorities are immune. We are though on a Crusade of a different kind, seeking justice and transparency for all as per the United Nations agenda SDG 16.







HUFFINGTON POST MAY 27 2015 - QUEEN GIVE DAVID CAMERON EVILS - The Queen is meant to be strictly neutral and her annual Queen's Speech is written by ministers - she has no say in its contents. But it looked like she couldn't help but make her feelings known when she read the part about how her government will explore abolishing the Human Rights Act and replace a British Bill of Rights.




Copyright © Horse Sanctuary Trust 2019.