FreeCorby - The truth IS out there................................................. 

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 Latest Stories - Previous Stories
Useful Info (new 6/6/03)

Notice Board

Policy Statement

Gary Moss -
We Print the Costs - Click here!!!

Referendum - update on police enquires
It made me laugh!
Your view - Letters Page (new 25/4/03)

Latest Stories
 - updated 30th October, £130,000 !!
No Defence
(Whatsamatter Willie 2)
Election Results - Leader Looses Seat
our loss is their............ er ............... um ............... gain?
nice little earner
(more on councillors expenses)
the class of ohhhh three......
(updated 21st April)
Show - A - Shoe to Labour!
Whatsamatter Willie - or should that be 'William'?
Ever get the've been had?
(a colleague wanted this page to be called  'cynical b******s')
'may you live in interesting times....... '
Where will the new Swimming Pool Go?
Thanks Eddie ............ now p**s off
(Update - so many letters, so little space - 30th March)
.........and the public says?
(updated - 7th April )
borough councillors + 'e' government = 'access denied'?
(updated - 11th April - no surprises for guessing the outcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Previous Stories

Who funded the 'No' campaign for elected mayor?
When is a promise not a promise?
Which Officer of CBC costs over £100,000 in expenses, etc?  - updated 11th February,
Reply from Mr Moss, Interim Finance Director, CBC

Hello.........are you out there?
Where does the money go - (1)?
The economics of the madhouse - or a reward for favours done?
Secrecy .................. a threat to democracy?
Avoiding the iceberg .......... who runs Corby?
Minority Report
Truly Robbed
The 'Blair' Witch Project
(1)      Catalyst Corby, the Volunteer Bureau and the TA Centre
(2) CBC, The TA Centre, Catalyst Corby, English Partnerships
........and Uncle Tom Cobly and all and all

From the vaults..........
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Useful Info
Adobe Acrobat
Guide - You and your MP
Guide - MP's pay and expenses
(what Phil Hope MP gets paid by you, the public)
Microsoft Word Document - Index to Acts of the UK Parliament (1988-2002)
(with hyper links to the UK legislation) - file size 300KB)

Draft - Local Government Act 2003 (at present going through parliament)
Freedom Of Information Act - Research Paper (summary of the main points)
Northamptonshire County Council - Audit Commission Report 2002
Planning and Transportation

Corby Borough Council documents
District Auditor - 1998 Public Interest Section 8 Report- acrobat
District Auditor - 2002 Public Interest Section 8 Report- acrobat
Audit Commission - 2002 Inspection of Corby Borough Council- acrobat
Audit Commission - 2003 Re-inspection of Corby Borough Council- acrobat
Statutory Instrument 2001/3575 - Model Code of Conduct - word doc
Statutory Instrument 2001/1401 - General Principles of Conduct - word doc
A Strategy for Leisure - acrobat
'This strategy does not advocate simple closure or withdrawal of support as an outcome'
The way this document was implemented was the start of the downfall of ex-CBC leader Rob Hearne
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Notice Board


sorry about the non-updates recently
Been a bit busy with the holidays, the kids, even the washing :-)

Got a story? TELL US
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Policy Statement

If anyone disputes the contents or accuracy of our stories and we find we have made errors,  we will issue an immediate retraction, here on the first page our viewers see, the offending item will be removed
and a full apology will be given.

To date only ONE PERSON has contacted us disputing the truth of our stories
we will investigate and report back


This is a true story....................

The following story has been verified by FreeCorby.
We have spoken to a witness at the Industrial Tribunal who has confirmed the following details:
This witness also confirms that he is willing to testify to the facts below.
We have not spoken to the ex-personal assistant on this matter due to the
existence of the non-disclosure agreement detailed below.

Phil Hope MP was taken to an industrial tribunal by his personal assistant.
Accused, along with his other PA Les Rolfe, of various items which included
sexual discrimination, harassment, unfair dismissal, etc, etc.

Was there an 'out of court'  settlement made?
Answer: YES there was.
How much did Mr Hope pay to his ex-personal assistant at the end of the case'?
Answer: several thousand pounds
(our witness would not disclose the exact amount)
Did Mr Hope's ex-personal assistant pay anything at all to Mr Hope?
Answer: NO
Was there a non-disclosure agreement signed by Mr Hope's ex-personal assistant?
Answer: YES there was.
Was there a clause in this agreement  preventing the disclosure of the existence of
the non-disclosure agreement?
Answer: YES there was.
How soon after the case finished did Mr Hope pay the money over?
Answer: around 3 weeks,
after being told that, as the payment was not received within the two weeks specified,
 the person concerned would not feel obliged to honour the non-disclosure agreement.

Is this 'vigorously' defending the case?
The reader must answer that question........................

If Mr Hope would care to repudiate this story we welcome
his comments and WILL publish them here on Yahoo

Although, he may of course have us removed............................

The Web is a BIG place, we are everywhere

The Chair of the Tribunal allowed an additional case of indirect discrimination against the Labour Party.
At the end of the Tribunal the Labour Party also made an 'out of court' settlement.
Our information is that this was a token sum to cover expenses.

Coming soon - stories we may tell................

Corby Borough Council - Over £4m to refund over land reclamation?
CBC - Decontamination of Deene site - why limestone to seal toxic waste, against all advice?
How to kill a pensioner - the CBC method.
The rewards for failure, the CBC way - a £5,000 pay rise!!!!
No money for services - over £200,000 for Officers



Webmaster:  Please let us know if any link becomes outdated.


If you have any pages constructed telling of council corruption, negligence, etc., we would like to link to your site.